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Book Review Outline
Remember, a book review is not a book report.  You are an independent author, so feel free to input objective and substantiated opinions in your work.  Do not just report on the book - provide some insight. 
With that being said, attempt to follow this format when writing a book review.  Of course you may deviate from the standard, this is just a guide to get you started. 
This is the time to set the tone for the review.  Begin with all of the pertinent information as you would expect (title, author, genre, etc), then provide a few initial impressions about your reading.
Here is where you can eleborate on your reading.  Provide small chapter summaries, and introduce us to the characters and the plot.  How do the characters relate to each other?  How does the writer present the storyline - obviously or subtely?  How about the style of writing - bold or dry?  Active or passive voice?  Get creative here!  There is a lot of room to expand on your thoughts.
Cite Another Book Review(s)
It's always a good idea to reference another book review, if another exist.  What are other people saying about the book you read?  How do you differ in opinion?  What similarities do you both find?  Do you draw the same conclusions? 
This is the time to bring your writing to a close.  Overall impression.  Would you recommend the book to someone else?  What category of people would appreciate the book (athletes, academics, young people, etc).     

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